Data format for various modes

Data format

Data captured by OV7670 is retrieved and processed by CTS module and based on the mode used will be transferred through the serial port to PC or a host micro-controller.


RGB444 streaming mode

When dumping images over serial port (using “Nf ” to dump a RGB444 frame ), the data format will be:

Where <SIZE> will contain an ID for frame size (0x00 for QVGA or 0x01 for QQVGA). Each pixel will generate 2 bytes (!!!) for a 12 bit per pixel image definition (4096 colours).


R, G or B streaming modes

When dumping R, G or B channel content over serial port (using “Nr ” or “Ng” or “Nb” to dump a frame ), the data format will be:

Where <SIZE> will contain an ID for frame size (0x00 for QVGA or 0x01 for QQVGA). R, G or B will be a 4 bit value of the selected channel of respective pixel.


Tracking colour streaming mode

When dumping a frame with tracking colour over serial port (using “Nt” to dump a frame ), the data format will be:

Where <SIZE> will contain an ID for frame size (0x00 for QVGA or 0x01 for QQVGA). 0xTT is either 0x00 (tracked colour not detected) or 0xFF if colour detected on that pixel.

NOTE: tracking the colour is done using tracking colour information provided with “C<R><G><B>” and threshold defined with “T<value>” (see details here).


Tracking one blob data format

Then in Tracking one Blob mode (defined with “B<mode>”) data format will be:

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